
Qualified Instruction - Reasonable Rates
Pickleball lessons don’t have to be expensive. We’ll assist you in an hour of guided training tailored specifically for your skill level.
Lessons won’t be cookie-cutter duplications. We’ll find out what it is that you need to level up your game and the lesson plan will be tailored to help you find success with that skillset.
I’m a certified PCI (Pickleball Coaching International) instructor with over twenty years of coaching and helping players improve their games.
Our prices won’t break the bank.
• $25 for 1 player 1 hour
• $20 each for 2 players 1 hour
• $20 for 3 players for 1 hour of intruction and a half hour of guided play
We’ll come to you! We’ll find a court that is close to you so you won’t have to travel far.